Seminar: Risk Communication and SARS-CoV-2: a European Perspective

BIG Seminar – Nov 20th at 2:30 pm

Title: Risk Communication and SARS-CoV-2: a European Perspective

Dr. Christophe Boehmert

In the field of risk communication, scholars try to find the best way to convey information about risks. In the Sars-Cov 2 pandemic, scientists, politicians, the public and other societal groups are all longing for reliable information about the virus and its effects. Hence, a big need for adequate risk communication exists. Those who communicate about risks can have different goals, of which one has played a key role in the pandemic so far: persuasion, i.e. influencing people’s attitudes and behaviours. The talk will introduce various psychological theories that communicators can draw on when trying to persuade. These theories will be exemplified with speeches of politicians or media reports in spring 2020 in Germany. Moreover, we will cast a look at different metrics for the pandemic from a risk communication point of view.

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