
WBTV – What testing shows as the coronavirus crisis continues – Dr. Dan Janies interviewed about testing, spread of COVID-19, and what the models show.

Event Date:February 7, 2020 – 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Event Location:CHHS 161 Biology Seminar: Phages and their impacts on animal host biology Description:Seminar by Dr. Brittany A. Leigh, Vanderbilt University

A type of mosquito that transmits malaria has been detected in Ethiopia for the first time, and the discovery has implications for putting more people at risk for malaria in new regions, according to a study led by a Baylor University researcher. The mosquito, Anopheles stephensi, normally is found in the Middle East, Indian Subcontinent […]

New research on tube anemones is challenging everything that evolutionary biologists thought they knew about sea animal genetics. The mitochondrial DNA of the tube anemone, or Ceriantharia, is a real head scratcher, from its unexpected arrangement to its previously unimagined magnitude. Simple sea anemones not so simple after all: Tube-dwelling anemones have largest mitochondrial genome […]

A look at the work that goes into keeping Charlotte tap water safe and at some of the challenges in doing so. Then, mosquitos love our city and we hear about research to predict where mosquito-borne diseases will occur. Part One: Charlotte’s Drinking Water Quality We don’t think much about it when we turn on […]

Listen to the Charlotte Talks conversation on the 2017-2018 Winter flu: On Air with Charlotte Talks: Check Up On This Year’s Nasty Flu Season

Darwinism at work, as sea anemones adapt their venom to accommodate changing prey and sea conditions For a long time scientists believed that an animal’s venom was consistent over time. However, through a close study of sea anemones, researchers found that animals change their venom several times over the course of a lifetime, adapting the […]

CHARLOTTE — Scientists have confirmed the Zika virus is spread through bites from mosquitos of the aedes (a-deez) species: the same mosquitoes that spread dengue fever. But just how does the bite of a mosquito, which doesn’t fly very far, create a worldwide epidemic? Daniel Janies, Ph.D., a professor of Bioinformatics and Genomics at the […]

The golden poison dart frog (Phylobates terribilis) is one of the most toxic animals in the world. The frogs, which measure only five centimeters, have enough poison to kill ten grown men. The toxin in these frogs is so effective, explains Denis Machado, a doctoral student from the Inter-units Graduate Program in Bioinformatics at the […]

The Offices of United States Senator Richard Burr and United States Senator Thom Tillis, the North Carolina Military Business Center, the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, the North Carolina Military Foundation and the University of North Carolina are pleased to host the Medical, Biomedical & Biodefense: Support to the Warfighter Symposium on June 7 in Raleigh […]

Mirsad Hadzikadic, along with collaborators at N.C. State and UNC Chapel Hill, are interviewed for the UNC ROI video “Building Big Data Infrastructure.” UNC system video features Big Data

The Zika virus remains a mystery. Isolated from macaque monkeys in the Ziika Forest in Uganda in 1947, the virus was shown to infect humans not long after, but it was identified as a benign disease, with mild symptoms. For this reason, it was not heavily studied until almost 70 years later when it appeared […]

O Zika vírus continua um mistério. Isolado em macacos da floresta Ziika em Uganda em 1947, o vírus se mostrou infeccioso para humanos não muito após esta época. No entanto, foi identificado como uma doença benigna com sintomas leves. Por esta razão, não foi fortemente estudado até praticamente 70 anos após a sua descoberta, quando […]

In combating international threats to public health such as the Zika virus, data could be the most important weapon in the arsenal. Several U.S. Department of Defense agencies, including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, are working with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte on new data analysis tools created by the […]

As temperatures spike each spring, mosquitos start to swarm. They bring with them an increased risk of mosquito-borne diseases and a need to understand how to guard against these pesky – and at times dangerous – insects. Researchers at UNC Charlotte and the Mecklenburg County Health Department are collaborating on a study to determine which […]

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Mecklenburg County is already talking about ways to prevent the spread of mosquitoes this summer. Last year, almost every state in the U.S., including the Carolinas, reported travel-related cases, and millions of dollars were pouring into tackling the problem. In September, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released guidelines for pregnancy […]

During the first months of 2016, my research team and I started tracking the genetics of the Zika virus’ spread across the world using Nvector, a tool developed, and currently only in use in our laboratory at the Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. The combination of traditional […]

No cases of the mosquito-borne Zika virus infection have been reported in North Carolina, and the mosquito that most often carries the virus is not commonly found in the state. But just in case, Mecklenburg County health officials are planning an extra effort this spring to control the spread of mosquitoes. “People are very anxious […]